The Best Niches for Affiliate Marketing – 6 Top Evergreen Niches!

Are you planning to dive into the affiliate marketing world but wondering which niche can be the most profitable to invest in? Well, there are plenty of niches in the market right now, which you can explore.

But the BIG question is which niche can be more lucrative and sustainable? We all know that traffic is critical to any affiliate marketing campaign.

But then again, if you have the numbers but are selling the wrong product, you’ll end up suffering from low conversion rates. That’s why you need to do a little research and identify niche ideas that can be worth investing
your resources in.

Here is a quick look at the best niches for affiliate marketing that you can try this year:


1. The Evergreen Market

Even with too many affiliate marketing niches in the market, there are only a select few that command a great following and never seem to go out of style. Some of the super-lucrative niches that have remained, and would still remain, relevant for the longest time include:

  • Health & Wellness
  • Romance
  • Wealth
  • Gaming
  • Hobbies

Most of these niches have a market worth running into hundreds of billions of dollars, while some like Health & Fitness had already hit the $1 trillion marks by 2017. Clearly, there is a lot of money here to be made.

Investing in such niches can be quite challenging, because of the stiff competition. But if you happen to break through, then you can reap big from your affiliate marketing program. The trick is, quite simply, in finding
the masses and dancing to their tune i.e. getting them the exact products and/or solutions they’re looking for.

2. Health & Wellness Niches

Health and wellness are arguably the most profitable niches any affiliate marketer can venture into.Health and wellness niche

This niche literally never slows down as more and more people are always looking for new and improved products and/or solutions for chronic illnesses, wellness, general body improvement and more.

In addition to products, you can invest in an affiliate marketing program that offers tutorials, premium health programs, and training.

Some of the evergreen niches under this category include:


  • Weight and fat loss programs
  • Fitness for men and women
  • How to quit smoking
  • Healthy eating
  • Diet guides
  • Testosterone improvement and more

One of the things that make Health and Wellness niches super lucrative is that most products and information cost up to hundreds and some even up to thousands of dollars and more. The fact that there’s a huge chunk of people who are willing to spend more on health solutions by making repeat purchases makes this market even more profitable.

3. Romance Niches

Lots of people from all over the world are always online looking for potential mates, relationship/marriage tips,Romance niche for affiliate marketing escort services and more. Romance is a niche that mainly focuses on dating and targets people within the age the bracket of 18 to 60 and even more.

There’s a hell of a lot of experts selling dating and relationship books online, providing marriage counseling and dealing in escort services online.

Since relationships and social interactions are never-ending needs of the society, the online dating scene will always be ablaze.

And you can capitalize on that to make a killing through affiliate marketing.


Some of the niches in this category that are seemingly lucrative include:

  • Senior dating
  • Marriage for people (mostly young) with a limited budget
  • Online marriage counseling
  • Tips for better sex
  • Getting through divorce


These niches are evergreen as there are lots of people who are willing to spend money, constantly if need be, to build relationships, attain happiness and get emotional satisfaction. It’s upon you to find out which niche has products and/or programs that are fast moving or easy to market.

4. Wealth and Money Niches

Money runs the world and everyone is always looking for ways of getting as much money as possible.

And the Wealth and Money niche for affiliate marketinginternet is one platform that provides numerous money making opportunities like work from homes, e-commerce platforms, online trading and more.

Even entrepreneurs with little money are looking for investment tips online.

With so many financial experts and companies offering tutorials, lectures, books, and financial guides, there are way too many opportunities you (as an affiliate marketer) can tap into.

A huge percentage of people are actually willing to spend money to make even more money online. So all you need to do is find a niche that’s realistic and more sustainable in long run.


Here are niche ideas that can be very profitable:

  • Internet marketing guides
  • Online gambling
  • Blogging tips
  • Forex trading tips
  • Work from home online money making opportunities

5. Gaming

The gaming industry has grown tremendously over the past few decades and now, more than ever, game developers Gaming niche for affiliate marketingand businessmen are making hundreds of millions of dollars online. What used to be regarded as kid’s stuff is now being enjoyed by people of all ages and genders.

Playing games is no longer limited to gaming consoles, but can even be enjoyed on laptops, tablets and/or smartphones.

There are literally thousands of game genres and styles that gamers are looking for, and online reviewers and affiliate marketers are capitalizing on that to make good money out of it.

Some of the product niches that can generate reasonable profits in the gaming industry include:


  • Mobile games
  • Gaming consoles reviews and strategy guides
  • Free games
  • Online gambling
  • Gaming forums


The video gaming industry is among the evergreen categories as gamers keep coming back to make purchases of updated versions and new releases. So we can say, quite authoritatively, that niches under this category are sustainable in the long run.

6. Hobby Niches

This is one category that encompasses a wide variety of topics and sub-topics, which appeal to different sets of Hobby niches for affiliate marketingpeople.

From life-hacks to DIY tips or how to do something, there’s a lot of information people are looking for online today on a daily basis.

Most people are often willing to spend large amounts of money to do what they love.

That means if you can link them to more expensive products, then you are sure of smiling all the way to the bank.

Here are hobby niches you can choose for your affiliate marketing campaign:


  • Home gardening
  • Gun collecting
  • Cars
  • Sailing
  • Fashion
  • Survival guides

Don’t Rush To Choose Your Niche!

Choosing the perfect niche for your affiliate marketing plan can be quite challenging. But don’t be rush in making your decision. Just take your time to thoroughly analyze, compare and if need be to get an expert opinion(s) on the niches or cub-niches you are targeting.

Don’t be too rigid stick to a niche that you know or are currently involved in. Demand should be the guiding principle as it defines the level of profits you’re going to make as an affiliate marketer. But then again, if you love a certain niche and are willing to think outside the box, why not give it your best shot?

In Conclusion

Now that you’ve learned more about the top performing niches for affiliate marketing, you can go ahead and contemplate on which one can be ideal for you. For you to reap big, you need to consider the most profitable
niches and sub-niches from the above-mentioned categories. But even as you move along, you should learn to invest more in marketing skills that will help you adjust your niche strategies and maximize profits.


What are the best affiliate marketing niches for you? You are welcome to share your experience in the comments below.


4 thoughts on “The Best Niches for Affiliate Marketing – 6 Top Evergreen Niches!”

  1. Hallo there,

    I have been trying to beat myself down trying to get the best niche out there. I thought that the health and wellness niche was a very competitive one so I didn’t even bother getting into it.

    But your explanation and perspective has shed a new light to me and I will definitely consider what you habe said in making my niche decision. Thanks very much.

    • Hi Dave,

      Indeed, the health and wealth niches are extremely competitive. But if you promote only a small section of these niches, you can definitely make a good living from it.

      I am glad this article has helped you choose your niche!

      I wish you big success!

  2. I enjoyed reading your article and found it very interesting. I’m glad you mentioned that there was good opportunity in the health and wellness niche as that’s where I’m trying to get started.

    I enjoy this niche as it is something that I am passionate about, do you think I should stick to one area of this niche and concentrate on that.. will that be enough to be profitable or would I have to expand into other areas to make a good income.

    appreciate your help,


    • Hi Dave,

      I am glad you found the article interesting!
      Indeed, the health niche is extremely profitable and interesting and to answer your question. You should definitely stick to one area and extend the niche later. By doing so, you will rank faster since Google will understand what your site is all about. 

      I hope it helped! Don’t hesitate to contact me with any question. I’ll be more than happy to assist!


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